Solar energy produced in the heart of Colorado
In Boulder County, off of North 95th St, 3,276 solar panels creates a 1.2 MW community solar garden – enough to power over 300 homes. Jack’s Solar Garden is a national model for governments, solar developers, and farmers for how to produce renewable energy while continuing agricultural production via agrivoltaics.
Jack's Solar Garden is nationally significant
Agrivoltaics is the co-location of agriculture and solar energy infrastructure whereby the microclimates created by the solar panels provide benefits to the vegetation or animals beneath and around them. Jack's Solar Garden is the country's premier site for agrivoltaics and the most visit solar array in the USA! Come visit us to learn more about solar energy and how to couple it with agriculture!

Come Tour Jack's Solar Garden with the Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center:
Connecting our Community to Clean Energy and Local Food
Jack's Solar Garden's nonprofit, the Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center (a nonprofit project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center), connects students and community members to clean energy, local food, and responsible land use management through agrivoltaics. Through on-site tours of Jack's Solar Garden, the Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center will teach and inspire you about how our society can improve our land use management practices by combining two known practices - agriculture + solar energy.

Photo by: Longmont Leader

Photo by: Jeff Goldberg
We've had over a 5,500 people visit Jack's Solar Garden to date! Visitors see for themselves how the microclimates created by our single-axis tracking solar panels impact the vegetation and people working beneath them.
We offer free tours to Colorado-based government officials who can learn about our work with Boulder County to change their Land Use Code and how local regulations in the City and County of Boulder supported the development of Jack's Solar Garden.
2023 Artist on Farm: Jaime Hispa

2022 Artist on the Farm: Jeff Goldberg

2021 Artist on the Farm: Michelle Bernier
Part solar farm, part garden, and a whole lot more
Researchers are partnering with Jack’s Solar Garden to study growing crops underneath and around our solar panels. Audubon Rockies has established a large pollinator habitat around our solar array while Sprout City Farms is cultivating crops under our solar panels. The Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center hosts students, community members, and private groups at our farm for tours and corporate dinners to showcase agrivoltaics.

Thank you to all our Residential Subscribers
All that Jack's Solar Garden is and will be is only possible through the subscriptions of numerous residential subscribers in Colorado.
Thank you so much to our residential subscribers and I hope each of you come out to our farm each year to see what your support is providing to our community.
Subscribers - always feel free to reach out with questions and requests to visit our farm.

Who is Jack?
Jack Stingerie, my grandfather, purchased our family’s 24-acre farm in Boulder County in 1972. He retired here and farmed hay and alfalfa until he passed away in 1980. Since then, the farm has passed to his daughter and my mother, Eloise Kominek. In 2018, Kurt Kominek, my father, and I founded Jack’s Solar Garden in memory of, and thanks to, Jack for the opportunity to do more with this land for our community.
Sign up for updates
Place your email address in the box below and our nonprofit, the Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center, will reach out to you with more information about their activities and educational opportunities at Jack’s Solar Garden.